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The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - de John Perkins (Author)

Details The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

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Le Titre Du FichierThe New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Date de Lancement2016-02-09
TraducteurNazam Shanleigh
Nombre de Pages407 Pages
Taille du fichier40.47 MB
LangageFrançais et Anglais
ÉditeurPluto Press
Format de E-BookePub AMZ PDF AWW UOML
ÉcrivainJohn Perkins
Digital ISBN437-2896963528-FBB
Nom de FichierThe-New-Confessions-of-an-Economic-Hit-Man.pdf

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I decided to write The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man because things have changed so much during this past decade The cancer has spread throughout the United States as well as the rest of the world The rich have gotten richer and everyone else has gotten poorer in real terms

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Confessions of an Economic Hit Man This review was presented in the “Grand Défis” course of Denis Bourgeois This course is part of the “Alternative Management” specialization of the thirdyear HEC Paris business school program Abstract John Perkins tells us about his career as an economic hit man He describes his role in the clandestine building of an empire Which are the

Gain a full understanding of the Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins Our five page summary provides the important details you need

In New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man John Perkins provides fresh and chilling evidence of how the corporatocracy has grown its influence to every corner of the globe making us all unwitting slaves to their regime But he also provides advice on how we can end our unconscious support of the system and its selfserving lethal economy

The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man 2 e edi­tion Oakland Calif BerrettKoehler Publishers 2016 1 The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man est la réédi­tion revue et aug­men­tée d’un livre à succès publié en 2004

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